Friday, July 23, 2010

Death and the limits of space

Death comes to every single one of us. Death is something dark, something unknown, yet, something expected. That very moment, that very second you came out of your mother's womb, begins your ultimate journey to death. 

Death comes when your life is nothing more than an ordinary wild flower flying like any other dust out there, swept by the wind. 

Every one has his own idea of what death is. For most, death is liberation. It is freedom from wants. 

Others say, death is the end of everything. That everything tunes out when you die. That there is nothing out there. That it is just empty space, black to some, grey to others. That life is like television. When someone pushes the remove, and turns out the tele, things and images vanish and all you see, is grey or black.

Some of those who experienced near death events say, your life ebbs out and passes through a channel of light, not blinding, but soft, warm and inviting. 

At the end of that channel, they arrive at a place of light, where they are greeted by friends and foes alike. It always end up with happy stories and tears of joy. 

Others like Dante warns of a cold and desolate place, where souls freeze to death, and where love does not exist.

Is life like a radio signal eternally travelling through space and finding a receiver? And that death occurs when the signal fades into the very limits of the universe?

The universe, according to astronomers and astrophysicists, is expanding. It is likened to a band which is being stretched by itself, and filling a space which is in-determinable.

If the universe behaves like that, is it entirely possible for life to be stretched like a band and occupy an in-determinate space? 

I believe that space does not have a limit, that it goes on forever, and like the laws of the universe, exist to create forms and order and disorder and peace and chaos. 

Death comes to us all, yet, cells which die, are revived. Energies are created and re-created. If life is like energy, then, life can be revived, and exist throughout the end of time. 

The law of echoes say that when you shout something, it goes back, especially when you do it in a cave. If we apply it in our universe, does it mean that life, like an echo, travels like sound in the vast expanse and comes back in a definite time?

Death, like others in this universe, has its limits. 

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